
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 5 May 2023 4:34 EDT
Cant register an application in process fabric hub on same server with pega application
I am trying to register an application in process fabric hub on same server with pega application, and am getting 500 error . The error is as follows: "
Failed to connect - the HTTP response code of 500 indicated a server error. The response data may contain a reason.
Response - Error activating declare triggers"
PFA the screenshot for reference. Can anyone please provide inputs on this scenario
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Mar 2023 0:12 EST

I was able to fix this here is my solution.
Is your application built on other applications? When your remote application is being activated it creates a series of declare triggers that are used to push the changes back to your instance of Process Fabric. When it creates these declare triggers it doesn't just create them in your application layer it also does it for the built on applications. However when it does the build on applications it will fail if that built on app does not have the Process Fabric component. Once I added the component to all layers the i was able to successfully activate.

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrinidhiM Can anyone help?

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrinidhiM I have contacted the relevant SME and have asked that they provide some input.

Pegasystems Inc.
@MarijeSchillern Thank you so much Marije

Pegasystems Inc.
@MarijeSchillern Hi Marije Can please let us know if there are any insights to this issue

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrinidhiM Can you please trace the service 'applications/{applicationName}/actions/{action}' on your remote application and send us the error screenshot of the tracer to triage this issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
@begua Hi Arshiya, I tried tracing but am unable to trace this service in any of the remote applications am not seeing the service getting traced. But i traced the connect that is made from the PPF Application it gave the below error.
{ "errors" : [ { "id" : "custom_error", "message" : "Error activating declare triggers" } ] }
Should i enable anything specific inorder to trace the svc from remote application

Pegasystems Inc.
@SrinidhiM Hi Can you please let me know the further steps here?

Did you get a fix for this? I have the same issue and i was able to trace the api /prweb/api/ppfconnect/v1/applications/{applicationName}/actions/{action}
The error i got when i traced it was "Update record failed: .pyTriggerWhen: pzPF_EnablePublishRealtime does not exist or is not a valid entry for this ruleset and its prerequisites. Instance of class Rule-Obj-When not found: Assign-Worklist.pzPF_EnablePublishRealtime."
That rule is available so i'm not sure why i'm getting this.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 2 Mar 2023 0:12 EST

I was able to fix this here is my solution.
Is your application built on other applications? When your remote application is being activated it creates a series of declare triggers that are used to push the changes back to your instance of Process Fabric. When it creates these declare triggers it doesn't just create them in your application layer it also does it for the built on applications. However when it does the build on applications it will fail if that built on app does not have the Process Fabric component. Once I added the component to all layers the i was able to successfully activate.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Matt Hall Hi Mathew Thank you so much for your solution. I some how figured out that it was due to the declare triggers but couldn't figure out the solution. Thank you so much

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Srinidhi ,
We are facing the same issues now .Can you please let me know the solution you tried