Cant display the spent efforts / sprint burndown chart / storypoints or hours burndown in Agile Studio
I also cant display the spent efforts / sprint burndown chart / storypoints or hours burndown and have the same problem on Agile Studio 7.3.1.
Tried following the guide (PRPC System Management - Restarting the agent on the node whereby i have only one node, did not help).
ID: PegaProjectMgmt (Agents:PegaProjectMgmt) rule -> Nodes tab -> selected my only node -> checked the "Enabled?" setting for the TrackRemainingEfforts.
Tried running the PMTrackingEfforts activity with or without giving an override date, did not help.
The PRPC System Management for the agent shows the columns
Last run start | Last run finish |
empty for the agent.
I attached the screens, including my current ppm_remainingefforttrack database, where history values should be written.
Suggestions or support is needed please.
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