Can we push our current tasks to different thread rather than a different Requestor
As part of our current requirements, we have to do some additional tasks asynchronously( outside from the current flow execution) to achieve this we are using the Queue method, Load data page method, and Run in background shape.
in the Queue method and Load Data page method system is creating a new requestor where I am facing challenges in passing the context and reference pages here I am forced to send multiple params or using a node-level data page and refer them in Queue or Load data page method.
So to avoid the above issue I want to understand the below points.
1. Run In background shape with Type as Standard will create a new requestor or use any existing requestor?
2. Do we have any effective way to send reference pages in Queue and Load-Data page methods
3. Can we create new threads to delegate our processings
4.if we can create a new thread how to do it?