
Last activity: 26 May 2021 6:25 EDT
Can we loop page List/page Group in pyCaption
Hi Team,
i am using pega 7.2.1
in my project we have Pagelist property(PegaMessages) in strategies we will validate few BRUl's suppose in Strategy1 @component1 if BRUL1 is get fired then at the end of that component we are setting .pegaMessages("BRUL1" ".Message1") but here it is just content so we are able to do it.
but now for same .pegaMessages peroperty i have to display a Message content and Case list as informational message to the user like below.
"Client May have already applied for a credit from last 90 Days please. the previous application are
<< .Case id>>, <<.OfferAcceptencedate>> with limit of <<.CCLimit>>
101,26052021 with limit of 1000
102,24052021 with limit of 2000
Please Review with Client"
Right now i am using a section inside it i have a Layout for message content and Repeat grid for case list. but in existing pattern we are appending for a page list with brul and Message id so if you have option to Repeat Page list inside Pycatpion please let me know.
Thanks in advance.