Last activity: 15 May 2023 15:18 EDT
Call specified version of "access rule" using function callWhen
How to call specified version of "access rule" using function callWhen?
I call below function from class Assign-Worklist / "access when" rule, assume name is A:
here canPerform is another "access when" rule.
(It's because we can not call "access when" from a "access when" directly, so I use function to all)
I expect the latest version of canPerform in class Assign-Worklist & ruleset PegaCRM-SFA:08-06-01 to be called, however there's below msg:
Error message
Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-WHEN' with the name 'CANPERFORM' that applies to 'Assign-Worklist'. There were 1 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 1 rules named 'CANPERFORM' defined in the rulebase are: 1 unrelated to applies-to class 'Assign-Worklist', for example: 'Work-'.
So how can I call my expected version of canPerform with callWhen function?