
Greenfield AG
Last activity: 25 Sep 2018 4:24 EDT
Call parametrized Data Page from Activity setting params via Property-Set
Hello community.
I've got a question about passing parameters to Data Pages. Is it OK to pass parameters to Data Page in activity using Property-Set?
E.g. I have a D_TestPage with two params TestParam1 and TestParam2. I create an activity with 2 steps (see screenshot for reference):
1. Set values to TestParam1 and TestParam2.
2. Make actions with step page D_TestPage without explicitly setting parameters. Parameters are passed to data page from current param page.
This works now, but are we supposed to use it? Is there a possibility this will be changed in next versions and code will stop working?
The thing is if Data page has a lot of params (>10) it's hard to write them all in the string everytime we call for data page.
Thank you!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****