
Last activity: 1 Jun 2021 12:49 EDT
Calendar control (pxCalendar Section) - Need to customize OOTB functionality
Hi All,
I am able to successfully configure OOTB "pxCalendar" section to get the calendar view (PFA : Screenshot3) with appointments but I am unable to do certain customizations.
1. As per pega functionality , We can click on any appointment and it will try to open the appointment. In our case, We don't want that functionality. But I am unable to customize the behaviour as the behaviour is from javascript. (PFA : screeshot1)
2. We want to load only the month events at once and on click of next and previous links, We want to load the data. But , OOTB it is fetching all the appointments at once.
3. I can only customize few CSS elements but , If I want to change the size of the buttons on the top or try to reduce the grid size it is not coming properly. (PFA : Screenshot2)
We are in Pega 8.3 but still it looks like this is the only option we have. (Timeline control is there but it doesn't fit our requirements).
Please let me know if any alternate option is there or any solution for the above items.