Last activity: 26 Jan 2017 11:30 EST
Body content not showing up after I add decision routing with a boolean expression?
For some reason, my data won't show up after I add this type of routing in my process. The sidebar and header are there, but nothing of the case content itself. What could cause this? Thanks.
***Updated by Moderator: Marissa to update categories***
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I still have an issue here, I can provide more information and screen shots if need be. Thanks.
Pegasystems Inc.
Jared, it would be helpful if you can share rule screenshots of the decision routing configuration. Did you try this on a process flow of the PegaSample application and still notice the problem you report?
Here are some screenshots, let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for the help. So the last screenshot is essentially missing all the data I have that should be displayed. It only started after I added the decision routing. The last screenshot has the information that should be displayed in the middle of the screen.
Here's some more info. You can see that it's placing the sidebar in the middle of the screen now since there is no data being displayed. The header is right above it as well.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jared,
PFA my observation. Please provide 'Where am I' details once you are on problematic screen.
Pegasystems Inc.
typo in my attached image above, it shouch be 'Tech Edit' not 'Text Edit'
Pegasystems Inc.
Also to understand whether it is the decisioning logic which is creating the issue or not, it is probably a good idea to remove the shape once from your flow and test it to see whether the data is appearing properly or not.
Pegasystems Inc.
Jared, any updates here?
Pegasystems Inc.
Jared, any updates here?
Pegasystems Inc.
My guess is that the issue is with the expression that you are evaluating in your decision shape. Ive never used the function entrySatisfiesCondition before, but if you want to evalate if any page in EditableItems where .ADP==true you could use the IsInPageList function:
@IsInPageList("true", ".ADP", .EditableItems)