
Last activity: 25 Aug 2016 15:59 EDT
Blob Update
We are working on a Performance Initiative where in For a Workobject we store message log entries in a seperate table. Since these log entries are more as when the volume increases the updates to the log tables are taking longer time.To avoid this we came up with an approach of moving the log entries to a new table when the WO is resolved. We do this movement of one table to another using DB stored proceedure.
Now the issue is when SP moves the data it doesn't update the pzinskey/pxobjclass in the blob because of which when i try to open the record using obj-openby-Handle/Obj-Open it always fails.The workaround is that do the movement of data in PEGA itself but we might be doing lot of DB operations as we need to hit DB to save the record and delete the record and also we need to do Open the blob as well. This seems to be a Costlier operation.
Just wanted to Check if anyone has faced a similiar issue and anyother approach that was considered to fix the issue.