Authorized content not loading pega external web component
Ask: Embed a read-only or interactive web component built using any UI library on a case.
Background: Non-pega application displays information powered by a web component. This UI component loads customer specific data. When a case is being processed in Pega application, same UI which is sourced from a web component should be presented on Case UI.
We are trying to use “External Web Component” to load such a custom web component. Typescript/JS content is defined in a section with applies to class “PegaGadget-InformationMashup”. This section is configured to on External Web Component parameters tab.
Any inputs how to make this work for a custom web component? Current System: Pega version: 8.6.0, Customer Service Framework 8.6, UI-Kit
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***