
Virtusa Corporation
Last activity: 3 Apr 2016 12:18 EDT
Attachment issue
Hi All,
I have a requiremennt where in i have to upload the multiple document in the form .
I am trying to achieve it using OOTB attach file but i am not able to achieve. I am using 7.1.7.
When i click on button i am seeing the pop up to drag ad drop say 2 files but when i click on submit i should see 2 files attached and file name (as a link) fiessize... below the button.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Once you are dragging the file for attachment , are you able to do it successfully ? I remember seeing some issue almost like this on old browser and most of the time it is due to Active X
Have a look at this SA and follow the steps suggested :

Virtusa Corporation
Hi Santanu,
All things are in place still issue persist.

Pegasystems Inc.
Have you ran tracer and see whether there is any error or not ? Also, what is the behavior when you log in as [email protected] and run any sample case and then try to attach few files ?

Virtusa Corporation
Hi Thanks Santanu,
It is done..
I am looking for masking the account number as XXXXXXXXXXXX-234 on the review harness but account number should not be masked at the input.
is there any OOTB control to show the same masked property value at review screen.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nikhil, Good afternoon!
- could we attempt to enable the option 'Obfuscated' under presentation tab of the control at 'Read-Only' format section?
- please note: the entire text will be masked and will not mask in the desired format
- we may need to write a custom control to mask the data in the desired format OR
- we could create a declare expression/data transform mapping the account number to another property replacing the first digits with 'X'
Please share your thoughts/observations, Thank you!

Virtusa Corporation
Hi phani,
Creating another property is the last option but it does not make sense to hold account number in one property and hold masked property in other. it would be great if you might have written any such control which you can provide me.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nikhil,
As Phani mentioned creating control will be the option if you are looking for partial masking and OOTB Obfuscation feature can be used for full masking.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Nikhil, Good morning!
>>> if you might have written any such control which you can provide me.
- I'd prefer creating another property instead of having a custom control (which could be a maintenance trouble...)
Thank you!

It might be convenient to use one of the declarative rules for this purpose. Good student question: When is a declare-onchange better than a declare-expression ?
Anyway, the idea is, you have an account-mask property that is related to the account-actual property via a declarative rule, such that every time the account-actual property is changed, the account-mask property automatically changes appropriately.