Last activity: 5 Jun 2024 10:49 EDT
App Studio 8.8.2 - Error in UI Authoring - status code 403 displayed on all Landing Pages
There appears to be a product bug with App Studio v8.8.2 installed via download, LSA Academy: LinuxLite-Pega882.ova
On selection of any landing page under "User Portal" in App Studio, the following error message appears:
"Error in UI Authoring. Call to fetch authoring records failed: AxiosError:Request failed with status code 403"
Steps to reproduce:
1. Switch into App Studio
2. Select "User Portal" from main Overview page.
3. Under Content tab, select "Landing Pages"
Error message displayed on the right hand side.
Please see image attached.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 4 Jun 2024 11:20 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Zee Morris For the Pega Academy 8.8.2 virtual machine: I had similar Constellation UI errors/issues while using 8.8.2 on Virtual Box. Once I switched to using VMware Player; constellation worked fine.
Also remember to use https and the correct port in the url: https://pegahost:8443/prweb
I hope this fixes that issue for you and others facing the same challenge.
Pegasystems Inc.
This issue is seen intermittently. It worked for me with the below options.
1) Launch incognito will help to resolve this issue
2) Logoff, Clear cookies and Login again
Hi Ramesh,
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately this hasn't resolved for me.
Based on the 403 error code, an authorization issue?
Updated: 19 Apr 2024 16:07 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Zee Morris [ edit] Comment deleted - this is not a bug
@Manojkumar_ J I am getting the same error in 8.8.4 version also. Could you please provide your suggestion?
Pegasystems Inc.
Pegasystems Inc.
@RameshSangili Sorry My Bad ! It got fixed in 8.8.5 version
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @BhushanN16954894, see my reply to Zee Morris.
To be clear, this is NOT a bug.
Updated: 8 Apr 2024 6:29 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Manojkumar_ J @RameshSangili please can you provide the BUG id for this issue so that we can link it to the question (and possibly also link the relevant Resolved Issues documentation)?
@Zee Morris can you click 'Accept Solution' to the most relevant reply if your issue is now resolved?
Hi @MarijeSchillern,
I've not been able to verify in 8.8.5 as I only have access to version 8.8.2 (part of 8.8 LSA Academy, VM: LinuxLite-Pega882.ova download).
Pls let us know if 8.8.5 VM is available to download and will look to retry.
Updated: 22 Apr 2024 5:23 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @morrz1 .
There appears to be some confusion here. A similar product issue exists in Pega Platform (BUG-831449 (Reauth Login Popup doesn’t trigger for Authoring / user_settings) which will hopefully be resolved in 8.8.5. As per the Pega Platform patch release calendar that version comes out in May.
If the issue is for non-Pega Academy VM then check the release is announced here on the support center, and then you can find it on My Pega --> Software Downloads. Make sure to "follow" the "Patch Release" tag here in the forums. You can set up your notifications within My Preferences. This will send you notifications as new patches are released to update your software.
However this question is for a Pega Academy VM error. Please check the error in the Managing Your Pega Instance FAQ pages.
Pegasystems Inc.
Please check this INC ticket INC-A21198
Updated: 22 Apr 2024 5:24 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Zee Morris you stated that you've not been able to verify in 8.8.5 as you only have access to version 8.8.2 (part of 8.8 LSA Academy, VM: LinuxLite-Pega882.ova download).
You asked about having our Pega Academy team update the .ova files on the VM's. to 8.8.5. I'm not sure how soon this weill be done as these are managed by our Curriculum developers. If I hear back from our Academy team I'll let you know.
See this post for more information.
This question appears to have been raised as a Pega Academy VM problem rather than a Product issue.
Updated: 2 May 2024 13:25 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi, @Zee Morris, this is not a bug.
This error - "Error in UI Authoring. Call to fetch authoring records failed: AxiosError:Request failed with status code 403", indicates that the network you are on or the firewall settings on your local computer are blocking the call to the Constellation services.
This issue is usually caused by a VPN or other security settings on a corporate network or local computer.
If you are on a VPN, try disconnecting from the VPN. If you are on a corporate network or proxy server, it could be the firewall/security settings—try using a different network.
If this issue is caused by security settings on your computer, and you cannot reconfigure the firewall and other security settings, try using a different computer.
Updated: 2 May 2024 13:43 EDT
I created a new VM instance, switched off my Firewall and VPN. I am running this from my personal laptop.
Unfortunately this has not resolved the issue, please see attached.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @Zee Morris, this could be an issue with how you have the VM network settings configured.
I have not messed with the LSA 8.8 VM in a while, but the bottom line is that the error is because the Constellation services used to render the UI cannot be reached.
From the VM, either ping some known site in a command window or open a browser and try to browse to some known site. If you cannot, then we know it is a network config error in the VM's network settings. If you can connect to the internet from the VM, then we can check the ConstellationSvcURL DSS record.
Updated: 7 May 2024 7:11 EDT
I'm able to ping an external web address, after changing my network setting to "NAT".
Am also able to browse a site within the VM instance as previously.
Please see attached, I've included a summary of my VM settings too.
However, unfortunately the error still persists.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 4 Jun 2024 11:20 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
@Zee Morris For the Pega Academy 8.8.2 virtual machine: I had similar Constellation UI errors/issues while using 8.8.2 on Virtual Box. Once I switched to using VMware Player; constellation worked fine.
Also remember to use https and the correct port in the url: https://pegahost:8443/prweb
I hope this fixes that issue for you and others facing the same challenge.
Pegasystems Inc.
@MohamedMowafy You are right ..
Actually the URL is the issue.. you need to use https and the port needs to be correct (8443)
Constellation services are looking for TLS/SSL all the time. If you use to open Pega login page without https link and on 9080 port, hen you got into this issue