
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 19 Jul 2023 13:24 EDT
Agents/Listerner &Queue Processor some are removed in 882
Hi All,
After the Pega upgrade version of 8.8.2 some of the agents, Listeners and queue processor were removed and also some have been newly added.
we need to know whether this is the expected one provided by Pega.
Please find the list of agents,listerners and queue processor as follows,
Agent:- |
PPD-882 (newly added post 882) |
Push AI Model Metrics Info |
Push Email Metrics |
Push Operator Feed |
Push Resolved Case Usage Data |
Refactor Copy Move Merge |
Hi All,
After the Pega upgrade version of 8.8.2 some of the agents, Listeners and queue processor were removed and also some have been newly added.
we need to know whether this is the expected one provided by Pega.
Please find the list of agents,listerners and queue processor as follows,
Agent:- |
PPD-882 (newly added post 882) |
Push AI Model Metrics Info |
Push Email Metrics |
Push Operator Feed |
Push Resolved Case Usage Data |
Refactor Copy Move Merge |
PPD-882 (Deleted post 882) |
Push DB Indexes Info |
Push Nodes Conflict Info |
pyCleanupReplayCache |
pyCleanupSSONodeInfoInstances |
pyCleanupWebSSO1 |
pyCleanupWebSSO2 |
pyCleanupWebSSO3 |
pyCleanupWebSSO4 |
pyValidateKMSMetadata |
Reallocate Parent Link/ Serie/Group Started Task |
Refactor Copy/Move/Merge |
RuleUsageSnapshot |
SystemPulse |
Jobs:- (28 newly added in PPD for 882 version) |
Job (77-882 version) / Before 48(856)-PPD |
pxStabilizeServiceRequestorPools |
pyAggregateAndStoreDecisionResults |
pyAutoDeployTextPredictions |
pyCleanNLPData |
pyCleanUpAuthRequestContext |
pyCleanupExpiredRequestors |
pyCleanUpLoginInfo |
pyCleanUpLogoutRequestInfo |
pyCleanUpReplayCache |
pyCleanUpSessionInfo |
pyCleanUpSSONodeInfo |
pyDatapageCacheCleaner |
pyExecuteDbSystemPulse |
pyExportedDataRetentionPolicyEnforcer |
pyExportJobsEnablementMonitor |
pyNLPMontitoringData |
pyPegaArchivalVacuumFreeze |
pyPegaExpunger |
pyPredictionsConfigurationSyncJob |
pyPredictionUpgrade |
pyPurgeExpiredSessionIndexes |
pyPurgeReportData |
pySearchRestart |
pySRSMigration |
pyValidateKMSMetadata |
pzIndexAgents |
pzResetExpiredLogCategories |
pzRuleUsageSnapshot |
Queue processor:- (Newly Added) |
PPD-882 |
pxInteractionAggregator |
pyDeleteMessage |
pyNLPReportingDataProcessor |
pzTakeExecMonSnapshot |
Deleted Queue Processor:- |
pyProcessSLA |