After Upgrade all Rule-PegaQ-Questionnaire instance are failing with one error "Failed to find instance 'CheckDuplicatesInPageList--(Clip2a26f277465164f5fef07a9673e2c04d' of type Rule-Utility-Function defined in 'pegasurvey_pegasurveyutilities'"
we are in process of upgrading 7.1.8 care management application to 8.1 , on revalidate and save of rule under Rule-PegaQ-Questionnaire all instances are failed with one common error message
"Failed to find instance 'CheckDuplicatesInPageList--(Clip2a26f277465164f5fef07a9673e2c04d' of type Rule-Utility-Function defined in 'pegasurvey_pegasurveyutilities'"
please any one faced this issues /solution lets know
thank you,