
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Saudi Arabia
Last activity: 6 Jul 2021 10:40 EDT
AES 8.3 compatibility with Pega platform 8.5.2
Hi All,
Could you please help us on below queries about AES.
1. AES 8.3 is the latest version available. So, is it compatible to monitor 8.5.2 pega applications?
2. For AES8.3 installation, Pega Platform 8.3 should be installed on Apache Tomcat 8 application server and the PostgreSQL 11 database. Does AES8.3 supports only pega platform 8.3 ? or Can we use 8.5.2 Pega platform?
3. Can we install AES8.3 using below components: JBoss EAP 7.3.0,PostgreSQL 11 and pega platform 8.5.2?
Thanks in advance.