
Posted: Aug 18, 2015
Last activity: Aug 24, 2015
Last activity: 24 Aug 2015 14:05 EDT
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Most of the times, you'd want to configure 'Click' event and give common functionality to the contents of a dynamic layout. If more than one controls in your layout do the same function, consider giving them a common purpose by configuring action on DL rather than on individual control. I can give you 2 examples where I found this technique very useful -
Most of the times, you'd want to configure 'Click' event and give common functionality to the contents of a dynamic layout. If more than one controls in your layout do the same function, consider giving them a common purpose by configuring action on DL rather than on individual control. I can give you 2 examples where I found this technique very useful -
A lot of thought has gone into building a good UX with Pega 7 and this is a very good example of that. You nail a very important concept of a good UX with this configuration - understanding intent of the user. On devices with smaller real estate like mobile phones, setting a common context further helps you 'declutter' the UI.
Hi Vikas,
Thanks for information....
But i have added some event and actions to DL,but this is not working for me...I am not able to trigger actions from DL...
I'm looking at your screenshot and it looks like you want to execute an Action when someone clicks on a tab. Tab is not part of a dynamic layout and that is why action may not be working. Can you try clicking on something inside a dynamic layout and outside grid, because grid again has it's own event mechanism. Is the issue seen foe a stand-alone dynamic layout with few controls?
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