
Merkel USA Inc
Last activity: 10 Nov 2020 20:39 EST
Accessing Customer Top level data from Sub level Strategy
In out application most the Customer attributes are defined at top level Customer class and we have Account level subclass under Customer class. Account is a page list.
For one of our Business Issue's most of our decision strategy's which access IH are defined at Account level and within the Account level strategy's IH shape is called to fetch IH data, but this is causing a performance issue as it is making multiple calls to IH.
We want to get the IH data once at Customer level in CustomerData DF and use the data in the strategy's. In this model IH and Accounts will be sub classes under Customer class. The complication is from the Account level strategy's we don't have access to top level CustomerData page.
Has anyone faced any similar situations where you had to access top level data from a sub level strategy?? Any suggestions will be appreciated.