Last activity: 20 Oct 2015 2:22 EDT
About pr_sys_workIndexer_queue table & Lucene Search
We got the use case as to get rid of manual search by Lucene search.
I'm pretty much new to the "Search" functionality ,so just gone through the articles in PDN,and I've couple of questions regarding Lucene search and PR_SYS_WorkIndexer_Queue table .
PR_SYS_WorkIndexer :-
1) Why indexing file to be created in external/internal directory ,and how does it helps in searching for the objects.?
2) How entries are being added to the queue table?
Is it happened when work object is created? but I could see that it's happening when doing "ReIndex" operation as well.
3) why queue table is required for work index? , and Is "SystemWorkIndexer" activity creates a index files in directory? .
Lucene Search :
As per my understanding, single node should be the host for search indexing , and there is a web service call to get the indexing records when search for the work object from different node,
but how the system is consuming the internal web service for search.
Please make me to understand search functionality ..
Thanks in advance ,