
Anthem Inc
Last activity: 31 Jul 2019 9:30 EDT
7.3.1 Status bar/Progress bar updated while activity loops
Hi all. We have a pre-processing activity that could loop through up to 10,000 embedded pages to perform a series of checks or validations. This process could take a while to execute. I would like to provide the user with a browser message (i.e. alert(string)) that shows the percentage of the process as it is running. It cannot be UI-side since the preprocessing activity executes before the sections load.
I have been researching a java solution to input into the activity as a step that would update the percentage of progress with each iteration (1,082 of 10,000 Complete) or (10.82% complete). I'm open to any other ideas or options.
I tried looking into UI controls, but as stated, for obvious reasons, it cannot be done.
I tried adding alert("Hello World"); with java, but get a compile error that alert(string) is not defined.
Any help, suggestions, or ideas is greatly appreciated.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****