Installation of Pega 24.1.1 on Kubernetes and PostgreSQL stuck at step to read pr_data_admin from db
We are doing an installation of Pega 24.1.1 on Kubernetes (for the first time), Open Source version (so not on AWS or other cloud, and not Red Hat Opn Shift), using PostgreSQL. We are now stuck at the step where Pega wants to read things from the database. Based on the logs we cannot determine if the problem is that Pega cannot find info on the db account, or that it cannot establish the connection, or that it just cannot find the pr_data_admin table because it just is not there. (There are some "Could not find..." lines but they have level INFO, so not sure if they are fatal, or a signal that Pega will next look for an alternative.) pr_data_admin not being there would be very plausible, because we cannot find any instructions on how to populate the database (which is a fresh install of PostgreSQL) with all the tables etc that Pega needs! Attached is a full log, but the essential lines in the log are, I think, these: 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.763 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource. Loading bootstrap properties from / 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.764 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI. Could not find java:comp/env/prbootstrap/ in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup
We are doing an installation of Pega 24.1.1 on Kubernetes (for the first time), Open Source version (so not on AWS or other cloud, and not Red Hat Opn Shift), using PostgreSQL. We are now stuck at the step where Pega wants to read things from the database. Based on the logs we cannot determine if the problem is that Pega cannot find info on the db account, or that it cannot establish the connection, or that it just cannot find the pr_data_admin table because it just is not there. (There are some "Could not find..." lines but they have level INFO, so not sure if they are fatal, or a signal that Pega will next look for an alternative.) pr_data_admin not being there would be very plausible, because we cannot find any instructions on how to populate the database (which is a fresh install of PostgreSQL) with all the tables etc that Pega needs! Attached is a full log, but the essential lines in the log are, I think, these: 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.763 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource. Loading bootstrap properties from / 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.764 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI. Could not find java:comp/env/prbootstrap/ in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.764 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI. Could not find prbootstrap in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.771 INFO [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource. Bootstrap datatables schema: pegadata 14-Aug-2024 11:49:49.948 SEVERE [main] com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource. Unable to connect to database. Will only use properties from file. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "pegadata.pr_data_admin" does not exist Position: 34
Help is appreciated.