The Hartford
Last activity: 29 May 2024 8:30 EDT
JSOUP Jar support for PEGA Infinity
We are using third party JSOUP jar for converting HTML into UTF-8 text version. This setup is working fine On Prem Pega Infinity version 8.5.4
Below is the current JSOUP version we are using On Prem Pega Infinity version 8.5.4
a) jsoup-1.7.3.jar
b) jsoup-1.7.3-javadoc.jar
Now we are in the process of cloud migration, so wanted to understand the followings
1) Whether the JSOUP jar would be supported in PEGA Infinity versions on cloud ?
2) Do we need to import some other version of the JSOUP Jar in PEGA Infinity versions on Cloud ?
3) If the JSOUP jar would not be supported on PEGA cloud, is there any alternate OOTB rules available that does HTML into UTF-8 text version that we can leverage ?
As per the jsoup official site
jsoup is entirely self contained and has no dependencies.
jsoup runs on Java 8 and up, Scala, Kotlin, Android, OSGi, Lambda, and Google App Engine.
Please provide your valuable input to help us plan better for the cloud migration.