Last activity: 30 Apr 2024 11:19 EDT
What is the right approach to Create BIX Extract with Multiple Embedded Page-lists? Each List having 40 properties on an average
In our case design we have multiple Embedded Pagelist properties under pyWorkPage and sometimes Level 2 Embedded Page-lists. For most Pagelists they have 40 properties on an average that needs to be reported as Business requirement.
Now considering the BIX Performance/Maintenance - is it suggested to map all the Embedded Properties inside 1 Singe Extract Rule (or) Breakdown mappings into multiple Extracts and do the reporting?
What is impact on Bix Performance with large set of property mappings in each Page list level?
Someone who had similar situation or knowledge on this , can share your expertise.
BIX Performance Benchmark Test Results are based on 12 Properties of different types that queries 100000-500000 records based on complexity. -