
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 9 Aug 2022 17:49 EDT
A Table(repeating grid) cannot display more than 10K assignments
Requirement: As soon as the work basket name is selected, all assignments associated with that basket should be displayed in Table
Implementation steps:
- Work basket name selection section
- A second section displays a table (a repeating grid) with pagination (1,2,3...) and assignments for page size 10
- D_Page (Thread level, Work basket name is an input parameter) is the source for the table, and Report definition is the source for the D_Page.
- The report definition has been enabled for pagination(If pagination enabled We can’t set max records)
Issue: We are not able to see more than 10k cases on the table on selection of Workbasket name (from another section)
If there are less than 10K assignments, I can see the newly created assignment on the table, but if there are already 10K assignments, the new assignment cannot be seen
Could you please tell me how to fix this issue so I can display more than 10000 assignments on the table?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***