
Last activity: 30 Jun 2022 19:05 EDT
Pega OOTB activity FetchWorkOrderDetails slow Obj-Browse because of blob query
The OOTB activity FetchWorkOrderDetails causes a slow Obj-Browse message to turn up in PDC as this uses the blob to retrieve the entire work object. This seems to be expected behaviour with the 'select' check box unchecked in the filter criteria.
I am wondering if there is a way we can improve this (is doing a lookup in a RD based on a .pyID giving the same performance, for example?) and this isn't caused by the .pyID property not being optimized in descendant classes. The returning query:
SQL: SELECT "pzpvstream" AS "pzPVStream", "pzinskey" as "pxInsHandle" from pegadata.pca_Org_FS_Work WHERE ( "pyid" = ? ) AND ( "pxobjclass" LIKE ? ) SQL Inserts: <{pyid}> <Org-FS-Work-WorkOrder%>