Last activity: 26 May 2022 6:18 EDT
Pega upgrade from PRPC 8.4.2 to PRPC 8.7.1 - where is prhelp.war?
Environment; Windows server, Apache Tomcat 9, MSSQL, Java 8
I have performed an out-of-place upgrade of PRPC 8.4.2 to PRPC 8.7.1. The migration, upgrade, and second upgrade all completed successfully. For previous upgrades, the final steps were to remove the old prweb.war and prhelp.war, and replace them with the new versions supplied. I'm using the document 'Pega Platform 8.7 Update Guide For Tomcat and Microsoft SQL Server'. There is no prhelp.war file in the 8.7.1 files. There is not any mention of prhelp in the new document. I am unsure how to proceed. Please advise.