Incessant Technologies
Last activity: 10 May 2022 7:13 EDT
Property of Date Type not saving correctly in DB
Hi All,
Our application is using Pega 8.5.3 and follow UK timezone. We do have a property named 'Requested Date' which is of type 'Date'.
However the DB column associated to this property is of type 'DateTime'.
During daylight savings on, when ever we save a record in to DB, its just saving as shown below.
Ex :- 2022-05-10 00:00:00.000
However in Pega 7, it used to add an additional hour as per BST time zone and save the value as shown below.
Ex :- 2022-05-10 01:00:00.000
We are facing issues during retrieval of this record from Pega. While retrieving record through RD, Pega converting to GMT format because of which the date is getting set as previous day.
Can any one please help on how to resolve the issue.
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