How to access HttpRequestFacade object when user is authenticated via PRServletContainerAuth servlet
Hi, we have implemented SSO with the PRServletContainerAuth servlet. As part of this implementation we used EstablishOperatorExternally activity. SSO works fine. We now have a requirement where we not only need to authorize the person but we also need to read some parameters which are passed in the Request Body. To do so, we need to access pxHttpRequest facade object in Pega. The code "(com.pega.pegarules.priv.authentication.RequestFacade) tools.getRequestor().getRequestorPage() .getObject("pxHTTPServletRequest") returns NULL.
We are using Pega 8.4 and cannot use @java function.
What is the way to access HTTPServletRequest object or to get the parameters coming in the Message Body?