
Banco Múltiple Bhd León SA
Last activity: 1 Jun 2021 16:46 EDT
Selection two row in Siebel
We have an automatization that have to combine clients in the Siebel 8 web application, the process is working fine till the moment the robot needs to make the selection of both cells in the SiebeLlist component, attached image of the automation selection. Image(SelectAutomation). To make this selection we have been using the SiebelSelectedRows method. Image(MethodSiebel).
After the selection is made, the robot click in Edicion and after Combinar registros option in the context menu. Images (EdicionSiebel_1, EdicionSiebel_2).
We can see that after all this steps been made Siebel is only recognizing one cell of the SiebelList selection. Image (CombineSiebel). Trying and testing we let the automation have made all the steps excluding the selection this one we made it manually and Siebel recognize the selection of both cells correctly. (CombineSiebel_1).
we have been tried all the methods, events and options available in Pega Robotics Studio but we can’t make Siebel recognize the selection properly with the both cells selected.
We test this autoamtion in a few version of robotis: