Last activity: 19 Jul 2022 6:31 EDT
Downloading attachments - any way to prevent pyID from being appended to file name?
When downloading files attached to a case via the AttachmentListView section or the doAttachmentSingleClick function, the name of the downloaded file has the pyID appended to the end of the original file name, is there a way to prevent this?
Here's an example name of a downloaded file that Illustrates the issue: "Test Contract_AP-1024.txt"
I would like it to be downloaded as the original file name ("Test Contract.txt") without the pyID appended, can anyone tell me how I can go about accomplishing this requirement?
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Updated: 12 Jan 2021 1:22 EST
This filename pattern is generated in Step 2 of the pzSaveToRepository which is a final rule. This is taken as an Enhancement request from Pega. FDBK-71349 is the Feedback Id.
Evoke Technologies
@subrr1 Update the file name manually via property-set, to a param and then give that param to MSOGenerateExcelFile..!
Pegasystems Inc.
@srikantha1043/ @All in this thread, There is an Activity pyFormatAttachmentName in Data-WorkAttach-File, in this activity refer step no 10 Property-Set. Here case id is getting appended to File Name (@pxAppendCaseIDToFilename). If you don't want case id append to your file name then you can save this activity to your application ruleset and comment this step. Hope it solves your issue. Thanks, Swapnil
Bhagyashree Choudhary
Ernst & Young LLP
@swapnilkamble0321 I am having the same requirement to not have the case ID appended to the file name. I looked for the pyFormatAttachmentName rule you mentioned, but it is a function, not an activity. When I tried to save as the function to my application ruleset, I got an error saying "The Library does not exist or the library is defined in a different Rule Set" (It is the "Default" library). Any pointers on how to get around this?
bret wilkins
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi @AnB18593 : There is an Activity pyFormatAttachmentName in Data-WorkAttach-File. Please refer attached screen shot for the same. Not sure which Pega version you are using. I would suggest to search for All application in your Dev Studio as sometimes Pega activities are not showing when you filter only with "My Current Application." Hope this will resolve your issue. Thank you.
Bhagyashree Choudhary Swapnil Kamble