
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 18 Aug 2022 4:42 EDT
LSA Data Excellence Webinar: Recording and Discussion
Here is the recording of the LSA Data Excellence webinar held on July 15th. The July 20th content is virtually identical.
We are still sorting through and grouping the *outstanding* number (and quality!) of questions from BOTH the July 15th and July 20th sessions. We will post links to these questions and responses in this thread, so the discussion can continue on those topics, in a focused way.
We hope you enjoyed this session. We would be thrilled to hear your ideas for future sessions to enrich and edify your fellow LSAs as part of the LSA C2E program.
Best regards,
Diane Smith-Knowles
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Jose Navas Linda Stinson Sachin Gupta Dinesh Reddy Ryan Taylor and 25 More -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for sharing it!

Pegasystems Inc.
You are very welcome!

Pegasystems Inc.
The key themes behind the hundreds of questions asked during the two sessions - and our answers - are listed here:

@DianeSK Thank you, for one of the best Data modelling session.
It would benefit many if this webinar is publicized in the data modelling mission topics instead of providing as an optional link at the end of topic.
Vinay Meher Puvvada

Pegasystems Inc.
A separate Academy Mission that reflects the themes of this webinar is currently being developed. Stay tuned!
Miklos Wagner Jeremiah Moody Karthik Ramasubbu

Infosys Limited
Hi Braam
Could you please share us Application Design webinar session link as I didnt find in LSA community.. Thanks.
Vamsi G

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is the link to all the CLSA Community webinars we have held since July 2020: https://collaborate.pega.com/discussion/clsa-community-webinars-content-overview
If the session you have in mind isn't there, let me know what you are looking for and we will try to track it down for you!

Infosys Limited
@BraamSmithCLSA Thankyou for the reply Braam. Unfortunately, I didnt find ApplicationDesign webinar from the link which you shared. This concept might be handled by some other team, can you please share their references so that I can follow-up them to get required stuff.

Pegasystems Inc.
@VamsiGuggilam Sorry I never received a notification for your reply and have just found it now.
Did you ever find a recording of the Application Design webinar you had. We have not run a webinar under that name but if you can recall what was presented we might be able to track it down?

@BraamSmithCLSA Acadamy mission for this is developed or still in progress ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@AviralM0 the Academy mission is still in progress :(
The handout and recording are the best resources to refer to in the meantime. Sorry.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Daine,
I cant hear the audio of the recording can you please reshare the recording which has audio.

Pegasystems Inc.
@BYRONLOPEZ you are welcome! Glad you like it! :)