
Last activity: 20 May 2021 9:45 EDT
Unable to start server Pega 8.4 installation in multinode environment
Hi All,
Please find below issue details and share your thoughts in mitigating this issue.
Problem statement:
Servers are not booting up when we are trying to install Pega 8.4 in multi-node marketing environment. PFA, logs for the same.
Application server : tomcat9 hosted in AWS-EC2 server (16GB RAM, 4 cores CPU)
DB : Postgresql hosted in aurora (4 cores, 32GB )
Dnodetype : DDS,Stream,ADM,RTGD,Batch,Realtime BackgroundProcessing(we are shuffling node seggregation in 3 nodes)
Please note that below ports have been enabled
7000 - Storage port for internal Cassandra communication
7003 - Default port for incoming stream communication
9042 - CQL3 native transport port.
9160 - Thrift RCP transport port
5701 - Cluster port
5751 - Comm port for VBD instance
9300-9399- inter node communication