
Last activity: 26 May 2020 20:29 EDT
Queue page context in standard agents
I have a requirement as below. I have a kafka topic and whenever a message is received, it will update a work object and update the received message and commit it. As a fallback mechanism, in the event of the WO being locked, we are trying to queue this to a standard agent and retry later.
I am creating a QueuePage of class System-Queue-DefaultEntry and setting the kafka message in one of the properties in QueuePage. Also to open the WO, I have set QueuePage.pyinshandles(1) as the pzInskey of the WO and QueuePage.pyPageNames(1) as "pyWorkPage". Using Queue-For-Agent, i have used the QueuePage as step page and put it in the agent queue.
The problem is whenever the agent activity is running, it is running on pyWorkPage. I am not able to get the context of the QueuePage in the agent activity. I tried by specifying it in the pages and classes but no luck. Seems like it is running in a different thread.
I want to get the context of QueuePage as it will have the message and I cannot commit it to the pyWorkPage as it will not have lock. Please help me to resolve.
Any help is greatly appreciated.