Why is Folder not used any more?
In the past, there were two built-in facilities in Pega to support collection of work items - Cover and Folder. Now Cover is recommended to use and I don't hear much about Folder any longer, but Folder is still possible to implement if I want to.
I just wonder why Pegasystems stopped talking about Folder nowadays? Is it because Cover was rebuilt to support all the restrictions that only Folder could do? In my understanding, Here were major differences in definition:
- Cover cannot be nested, folders can be nested (folders can consist of folder, cover, work-object)
- Cover can only consist of work object in single classgroup, but folder can consist of work object present in single or multiple classgroup
- When all covered workobjects is resolved, cover would be resolved. But folder never waits for all work object within it to be resolved.
- A workobject can be present in only one cover at a time, but it can be present in multiple folders at particular point of time
Are these still true with current Cover? There is no advantages in Folder any more?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****