Multiple excel Uploads are happening on a single attempt
Brief Description
Multiple excel Uploads are happening on a single attempt
Detailed Description
- We are using MSOFileTransferButtons, Pega provided functionility to import the data via an excel file. During that we configured an activity to parse the content of the excel file to pagelist and loop through the results to save to db.
- We are maintianing 10 previous import copies in the same table by tracking each file version related data using a column value named audit ID
- When user is trying to individually upload an excel file, it is uploading the same file multiple numbers of times and there by proprogating the same previous file as multiple back ups
Steps to Reproduce
>Upload an excel file using MSOFileTransferButtons
>When uploaded once, the file is getting overwritten multiple number of times
Error Message
After uploading the file, the system will hang up for a conisderable amount of time before showing the techincal problem error. For techincal assitance contact admin
Attempted Solutions
Suspecting db lock errors because of the ineffciences in saving the records to DB, for that finetuned the code. Still seeing the errors once in a while.
Please let me know if you need any other info. Appreciate someone's help on this.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***