
Last activity: 20 Nov 2019 14:02 EST
Passing credentials to Pega Authentication via formdata instead of querystring.
We currently use a redirect via one of our other applications to login to pega via SSO using login credentials in querystring. For example<sessionhash>/!STANDARD?UserId=12345&UserName=Bob+User&Email= Proprietary information hidden&From=SSOApp&SenderTime=20191001043429&Env=QA&pw=<pwhash>
This was brought up as a security finding during one of our recent audits. We are researching how to move the data from querystring to formdata.
Has anyone attempted this? My test have shown that pega does accept formdata parameters but doesn't seem to map them to anything on the clipboard on temporary pages. I am trying to find any other spot where this might be stored.