
Business days calculation using Function alias in Report definition
We have a requirement to display business days in a report definition.
we need to calculate the age as difference in business days. If the target date was Friday 4th Oct, if we run the function today we need to get the age as 10 as we need to exclude the weekends which are not business days.
Function BusinessCalendar is not supporting in RD. I had gone through PDN and Mesh, some posts are like creating DE for a property using BusinessCalander function. So that we can use that property. But in our requirement without property, we need to apply businessdays calculation to the required columns. I tried to create Function Alias rule, but some where I missed some logic. It’s not working for some scenarios.
Below is the logic of function :{2} -Is the calendar days(difference of days between Target data and Today)
WHEN {2}>=6 THEN {2}-(({2}/7)*2)
WHEN {2}>=0 AND {2}<6 THEN {2}
WHEN {2}>=0 AND {2}<6 AND DATENAME(weekday,{1}) = 'Sunday' OR DATENAME(weekday,GETDATE()) = 'Saturday' THEN {2}-1
WHEN {2}<0 THEN {2}+(({2}/7)*2)
Any one have function alias logic to get business days, please help me to solve the issue.
Thank you,
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***