
Sky Solutions LLC
Last activity: 17 Oct 2019 14:27 EDT
Automatic Updates
Hi -
Does Pega provide the ability for users to subscribe to notifications for version updates of a template/document etc? For example, I want users to be notified immediately someone was to attach a new template or modify a document. Is this possible? Thanks!
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please elaborate more on this? Question is not so clear.
What kind of Document/template you are taking about.

Sky Solutions LLC
It can be any form of template or document. If I upload a word document for instance, is it possible for users to be notified automatically when this happens? And secondly, if users wanted to be informed every time a document is uploaded or modified, is it possible to set up a subscription service? So if I created a button that said "Subscribe here" , can the button be configured to add users to a notification channel that will either give them a push alert or email every time a document is modified or attached? Thank you.

BPM Company
Agree with @agarp3 - it's not clear what you want to archieve.
In general - yes, it's possible, everything is possible in Pega :)
If you want to inform users when someone attached a document to a case, here's several possibilities - you want to inform them by email or in a portal using push-notifications?

Sky Solutions LLC
Yes I would like to inform them by either an email or push notification. My question is can that happen immediately upon attachment or would the user have to submit that portion of the case? Thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
Whenever you try to upload the document using attachment control you will get a small dialog box where you browse the file and then there is a submit button in this dialog box.
You can customize this OOTB submit button having an onclick event-action set. Onclick of submit button you can configure a run activity and then call any OOTB activity which sends an email(for example sendcorr, etc.). In this acitivity pass the case related data that you want to use to send the email.
In this way whenever any document is uploaded, you an email will be sent to the respective person.

Sky Solutions LLC
Thank you! This helped.
Today I can subscribe to an email service to know if my favorite band is in town or to receive monthly updates on a particular company. Is this also possible with Pega? So If users wanted to be informed every time a document is uploaded or modified, is it also possible to set up a subscription service so they can receive an email or notification?

BPM Company
Agree with @Vikash Karn, but wanted to add one more approach which I consider more following Pega way.
If user attaches a file in a case you could include in the flow a shape "Send Email" right after an assignment. It's easier to implement and maintain in the future.

Sky Solutions LLC
Thank you! This helped.
Today I can subscribe to an email service to know if my favorite band is in town or to receive monthly updates on a particular company. Is this also possible with Pega? So If users wanted to be informed every time a document is uploaded or modified, is it also possible to set up a subscription service so they can receive an email or notification?

Pegasystems Inc.
There is a notification feature(with publish-subscribe) which uses a notification channel in pega but i am not sure if it can be used for your requirement or not.
But you can follow the below approach to achieve your requirement:
- Create a flag property and provide a checkbox to user for subscribe.
- map this flag with the checkbox i.e. if checkbox is checked then the value of flag is true and if not checked then false.
- In the run activity configured on the submit button add a when condition. The activity will be configured to run only if this flag property is true.
Now the email will be sent to the user only if the flag property is true (i.e. if user has selected the checkbox to subscribe).