
Verizon Data Services India Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 20 Sep 2019 12:15 EDT
Display values across columns for a hierarchical table in UI from a summarized report definition
I have a report definition which has 3 summarized columns. Apart from the 3 summarized columns, I have 4 columns which are used to filter the details.
Now, I want to display this report in a section in such a way that, one of the not summarized columns should be categorized in columns "Similar to the report viewer, when we run report definition, when we check 'Display Values across columns'".
I have tried to use hierarchical table layout but it doesn't display the column where 'Display values across columns' is listed.
No additional configuration is also found on hierarchical table to categorize the table by column
Could anyone please suggest me if there is any other way to implement the approach.
Attaching the document which has the required screenshots and expected design of the report in section.