
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 22 Aug 2019 7:23 EDT
Can we create DateTime Property using pagelist using Property mode as DateTime
I have a requirement on button Clicks DateTime Control should get added in the rows
So, I have taken table Layout in the section. I have created DateTime Property using mode pagelist.
In the Table Layout i have taken the DateTime Control. In the table property i have given the datetime pagelist and in the Date time Control property i have given pega default pydatetimevalue which is value group.
but on application portal i am not seeing the control added and add button it is showing no items.
is there any issue with value group i have taken in the datecontrol property and datetime property which i created. if yes can i create the pydatetimevalue with pagelist and use it.
Can anyone suggest how to do it?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****