
How to delay JMS MDB Listeners startup
we are on 6.1 SP2 pega version with JMS Services in pega and the MDB listeners configured in websphere and MQ in IBM server.
Problem is when we start the websphere nodes, looks like listeners are starting to process the Queue messages and invoking pega service activities , even before the websphere server has properly started. On production the server was not coming up fine, pega login page was not coming up, we noticed that some 100 Queue messages were there in one of the Queue and because the listeners are picking up them right after we initiate the server startup, we might have been facing this issue( Pega support team also said that this could be the reason), we cleared the 100 Queue messages and then started the server, now the server came up fine without issues.
Pega support team said that there is a way to delay the listeners startup and asked me to request the same in PSC, can you please share the steps or document.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***