
Last activity: 16 May 2018 14:44 EDT
Assisted Sign On issue
Hello Team
I am attempting to implement the Assisted Sign on feature within my automation. I have implemented the log in, username, and password controls. My log in is a button control type while my username/password are input text control types. During the first run i input my username and password which i wish to save. Upon my second run, the fields populate; however, the the log in fail as the site believes the fields are empty.
I have found the username/password controls must be populated to the innertext property. This is how i manually interogated and automated prior to trying to use Assisted Sign on. If they are stored as the Text property the site will not see them as empty despite being populated similar to what is occuring during my Assisted sign on.
My question is whether it is possible to specify the innertext property within the Assisted sign on UI?