
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young
Ernst & Young
Posted: Mar 27, 2018
Last activity: Jan 29, 2019
Last activity: 29 Jan 2019 1:28 EST
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Hi Everyone,
kindly help me to customise the pega Logo in mobile app, i want to replace with client logo instead of pega logo.
Can you please check the below post.
Hi ,
In the web-login , HTML rule @ baseclass , you will find the below lines of code:
<img src="webwb/desktopimages/pz-pega-7-logo-login.svg" class="logo" alt="Pega 7" />
Just replace with <img src="your path of the desired image" class="logo" />
For the new logo , create a binary and upload the image.
Please refer this attachment
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