Date not in range of business calendar
We have implemented pend functionality , when user is trying to pend for 365 days, we are getting the below error. After our analysis, we found that the calendar instance was missing. So we have created a calendar instance for 2019. Still it is not working. We are facing this only in production env. Could anyone guide me in this issue.
The Flow Action post-processing activity PostSuspend failed: ** GivenDate- Fri Mar 08 06:00:00 GMT 2019 does not fall within range of Business Calendar which starts at Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2011 and ends at Mon Feb 18 06:00:00:17 GMT 2019
1)Is server restart required for the new calendar to take effect?
2)In the below error, it is coming like ends at Mon Feb 18 06:00:00:17 GMT 2019. I am not sure how this value is coming. It is not same every time.
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