
Posted: Aug 3, 2017
Last activity: Aug 4, 2017
Last activity: 4 Aug 2017 7:26 EDT
Localisation tool prerequisites
Hello. I read an article
And the Prerequisites chapter confused me very much. For example:
Before using the Localization wizard, do the following:
- Test and stabilize the application user interface. - What does the stabilize mean?
- Verify that the current system locale is the same as your base language. - Where can I look up my base language and current system locale?
- If your application uses text strings in a way that does not create references, create base field values in one of your regular application rulesets so the wizard can include this text in the translation package. - I use a 'getLocalizedText' method to get translated text inside Java code and I also created some field values beforehand. Is it enough?
- Determine what language packs you have on your system. - How can I do this?
Thank you.