Pega 5.2 to Sharepoint Integration
Would anyone help me with how to Integrate to Sharepoint in Pega 5.2 to Extract and Sent the attached Documents to Sharepoint from Pega?
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Would anyone help me with how to Integrate to Sharepoint in Pega 5.2 to Extract and Sent the attached Documents to Sharepoint from Pega?
While this is something that I haven't personally done before, the below post looks like it may have some helpful information:
Hope this helps!
Thanks Kurt :)
In Pega 5.2, I wanna Expose the pyAttachStream property. In modify Database wizard what Varchar length against tha column/property should I give, so as to accomodate the whole ByteStream?
In Pega 5.2, I wanna Expose the pyAttachStream property. In modify Database wizard what Varchar length against tha column/property should I give, so as to accomodate the whole ByteStream?
In Pega 5.2, I am trying to Expose the pyAttachStream property. I have created the column with a datatype as Varchar(max), But the prdbutil-Resave pega instances utility is not able to extract the values. it is failing for almost every record.
Would anyone help. Thanks in advance.
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