IP australia
Last activity: 20 Mar 2017 10:56 EDT
Moving the host node of Elastic search to another node
We have already implemented Elastic search in the pega nodes in production. We are currently in the process of restructuring them and moving them to the other nodes.Currently we have more than 2 million work objects in production.
1 - Considering the volume can we simply copy the mount from one server to the other and then re-configure the index to point to the new server?
2- Do we need to create the new mounts from scratch and then run the re-indexing job?
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Diva let us know over a PDN pivate message that the issue was resolved on re-indexing all the records in the database.
Thank you,
Pegasystems Inc.
Theoritically, moving or mounting the entire PegaSearchIndex directory alongwith the index files to another Index host should work provided you have stopped the incoming traffic to existing environment and ensured the Pega-SearchEngine Agent has been gracefully stopped. I do not think you need to re-index from scratch provided the index files are not corrupted or locked. It may not be difficult to try these in a lower environment to see if it works before you have the confidence to do it in production.
IP australia
Thanks for this. I tried copying the files and changing the location of the index files. The index stopped working.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Divakar,
We need to decide on the behavior for the various cases around how the new changes interacts with the existing configuration specified through the search landing page. I have listed the scenarios below-
- An existing client node joins with no explicit index directory specified (as a command line argument) --- continue on as a client node in the cluster.
- An existing search node joins with no explicit index directory specified --- continue on as a search node using its already configured index directory.
- A new node joins with no explicit index directory specified --- continue on as a client node.
These three points will ensure that the current functionality works as-is.
Hi Divakar,
We need to decide on the behavior for the various cases around how the new changes interacts with the existing configuration specified through the search landing page. I have listed the scenarios below-
- An existing client node joins with no explicit index directory specified (as a command line argument) --- continue on as a client node in the cluster.
- An existing search node joins with no explicit index directory specified --- continue on as a search node using its already configured index directory.
- A new node joins with no explicit index directory specified --- continue on as a client node.
These three points will ensure that the current functionality works as-is.
- A (new) or (existing client node) joins with an explicit index directory specified (as a command line argument).
- If it is an empty directory then add this as a search node to the cluster.
- If it is an existing index directory then-
- If the directory is locked (i.e. it is associated with a different node) then log an error and continue as a client node.
- If the directory is available then remove the configuration for the previous node that was associated to this directory from the system and add this as a search node.
- An existing search node joins with an explicit index directory specified (as a command line argument).
- Approach-1
- If the explicit index directory is the same as the already configured directory for this node, then continue as a search node.
- Else log an error and continue as a search node with its existing index directory configuration.
- Approach-2
- If an empty index directory is specified then reconfigure this as a search node that uses the explicit index directory.
- If it is an existing index directory then-
- If the directory is locked then log an error and continue as a search node with its existing index directory configuration.
- If the directory is available then reconfigure this as a search node that uses the explicit index directory.
- Approach-1
IP australia
Hi Othos,
Thanks for the response. This is a scenario where we are moving to new application servers altogether and decommissioning the old servers. We will not be using the existing nodes for and indexing. We are trying to understand how we could copy the index files without having to re-index them
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Diva,
You can use the same directory in your new application server by providing a JVM argument<path to index directory>; More details on this @
With this setting, elasticsearch would recognise the indices; If this option was already tried but didn't work, could you let us know the Pega 7 version number ?
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Diva let us know over a PDN pivate message that the issue was resolved on re-indexing all the records in the database.
Thank you,