Report on campaign effect
I was wondering where I can get information or use case on creating report on campaign effect. I have control group and target group and want to compare effect of launched campaign. Event that I'm tracking is stored in Interaction History for target group and in customer table for control group.
Case is following: campaign was for selling some item and in customer table I have variable like item_purchase_date. It is empty for those who didn't buy item. For target group (to whom we send email) I created offer flow in such way that I can distinguish who bought after opening email and who bought by themselves without opening emails. For control group (to whom we didn't send email) I can track their item purchases through customer table (item_purchase_date) that is updated on daily base.
So now I need to create report in Pega.
I would appreciate if you can help me in it.
Thank you!
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories***