
Last activity: 20 Oct 2016 10:42 EDT
Repeat grid Row selection formatting using mixin not working (Pega 7.2.1)
I'm experiencing the following issue:
- In the skin I'm using I defined a custom style for trees and grids.
- In abovementioned custom style, on the Behaviors tab, I refer to a custom mixin "Selected item background SightGlassResults" for Row Hover and Row Selection.
- In this custom mixin "Selected item background SightGlassResults" I defined the desired background color.
- On the Repeat Grid itself, on the Presentation tab I specified the custom style.
- Still the background color of the row does not change on select or hover.
Fyi, before creating this post I checked the forum and found this post from 2015: . I even tried this workaround, but it does not work for me as HTML Fragments have been deprecated by now.
I'm using Pega 7.2.1 (Cloud instance).
Please help?
Looking forward to your solution.
Please help