
Posted: Aug 8, 2016
Last activity: Oct 28, 2016
Last activity: 28 Oct 2016 7:00 EDT
pyCommit error in declare expression , similar issue addressed in article SA ID: SA-25529
we are facing below error while triggering child case
- pyCommitError:** ** ChainingIndeterminateGoal IteratePage_DLL_DE_ContractMgt_Work_MaintainMandate IteratePage_DLL_DE_ContractMgt_Work_MaintainMandate.SelectedBillingGroupsTemp(1).Validations(MandateEndDate).pyTempText no declarative rules found to compute goal
- I have 2 declare expressions running on parent and child classes in the same class context ,
- This error is similar to the issue addressed in the article SA-25529, Do we need the same hot fix to be installed because am using 7.1.8 and hot fix is in 7.1.7 which we would expect to be fixed in later version
Any help/suggestion would be appreciated
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