Last activity: 18 Jul 2017 10:55 EDT
Script or Executable file for automating import function in PRPC
We have a unique requirement in our project where we want to automate the code migration process. There will be a separate tool (Not PRPC) which will upload the jar file (Jar file will be exported from DEV environment manually) into the QA application server. Now, we need to create a script or executable file which will automatically extract that jar file for QA environment (The standard feature of PRPC import, but we won't use the manual feature ).
Does anybody know how an external script can connect to PRPC and complete rule import from the application server? How can we configure it? I don't think the command line utility program for code migration does this as that one is for automatically migrating product from source to target, our requirement is a bit different.
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
At somepoint in the 6.x series prpcUtils was enhanced so that you just need to use the parameter import and the tool figures out what kind of archive it is for you.
In your file it looks like your database connection is not populated correctly. This is what you have set.
pega.user.username=N767480 is not populated
If this is a split schema then both and need to be populated correctly. For a import operation you do not need a Pega operator so pega.user.username does not need to be populated. The pega.jdbc.username should be the database user that has all of the privileges needed to start the engine. Basically this should be the same database user (or equivalent) to what is used in the datasource in your app server to start the regular system.
Pegasystems Inc.
Would taking a DB snapshot applicable?
- not really sure or no idea - why we won't consider DB snapshot for migrations other than having the DB platform dependency and other installation supports like Split schema or MT like (please share your thoughts...)
though you're not looking at the following items - just wanted to have notes here...
- through PRPC, DesignerStudio --> Application --> Distribution --> Migrate Product (will place the jar file at target system's static content folder. we will need to install accessing the system)
No idea on any (ant like) script base auto bundling & import process
Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure, but this may suite your needs:
I tried this and was almost able to configure it, but it throws this error:
** The mode "importPegaArchive" has been replaced by the mode "import".
** Continuing using import mode...
Buildfile: /wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/prpcUtils.xml
[pega:propertyparser] Reading Properties from : /wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.driver.jar=/home/db2cae01/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar
[pega:propertyparser] pega.database.type=udb
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://AASDDBW1D:60016/dprct000:fullyMaterializeLobData=true;fullyMaterializeInputStreams=true;progressiveStreaming=2;useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics=2;
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.username=S060206
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.password=******
[pega:propertyparser] pega.user.username=N767480
[pega:propertyparser] pega.user.password=Green123
[pega:propertyparser] pega.agents.enable=true
[pega:propertyparser] column.population.job.mode=COMMANDLINE_JOB
I tried this and was almost able to configure it, but it throws this error:
** The mode "importPegaArchive" has been replaced by the mode "import".
** Continuing using import mode...
Buildfile: /wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/prpcUtils.xml
[pega:propertyparser] Reading Properties from : /wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.driver.jar=/home/db2cae01/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar
[pega:propertyparser] pega.database.type=udb
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://AASDDBW1D:60016/dprct000:fullyMaterializeLobData=true;fullyMaterializeInputStreams=true;progressiveStreaming=2;useJDBC4ColumnNameAndLabelSemantics=2;
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.username=S060206
[pega:propertyparser] pega.jdbc.password=******
[pega:propertyparser] pega.user.username=N767480
[pega:propertyparser] pega.user.password=Green123
[pega:propertyparser] pega.agents.enable=true
[pega:propertyparser] column.population.job.mode=COMMANDLINE_JOB
[pega:propertyparser] user.temp.dir=C:/pega_temp
[pega:propertyparser] import.archive.path=SampleCodeMigFile.jar
[pega:propertyparser] import.mode=import
[pega:propertyparser] import.existing.instances=skip
[pega:propertyparser] import.nofailonerror=false
[pega:propertyparser] import.commit.count=100
[pega:propertyparser] import.compile.libraries=true
[pega:propertyparser] import.codeset.version=06-01-01
[pega:propertyparser] export.archive.full.path=C:/path/to/export/file/
[pega:propertyparser] export.archive.productkey=
[pega:propertyparser] export.classes.included=
[pega:propertyparser] export.included.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] export.classes.excluded=
[pega:propertyparser] export.excluded.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] export.startVersion=
[pega:propertyparser] export.endVersion=
[pega:propertyparser] export.keys.file=
[pega:propertyparser] export.application.context=
[pega:propertyparser] export.preserve.locks=false
[pega:propertyparser] export.migration.xml=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.classes.included=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.included.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] expose.classes.excluded=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.excluded.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] expose.declareIndex.accessgroup=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.startKey=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.endKey=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.startDate=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.endDate=
[pega:propertyparser] expose.reindex=true
[pega:propertyparser] expose.reindexType=nonpega
[pega:propertyparser] expose.commitRate=100
[pega:propertyparser] expose.numOfThreads=
[pega:propertyparser] resave.classes.included=true
[pega:propertyparser] resave.included.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] resave.classes.excluded=false
[pega:propertyparser] resave.excluded.descendent=true
[pega:propertyparser] resave.startKey=
[pega:propertyparser] resave.endKey=
[pega:propertyparser] resave.startDate=
[pega:propertyparser] resave.endDate=
[pega:propertyparser] runagent.agentruleset=Pega-RulesEngine
[pega:propertyparser] runagent.agentname=PropertyOptimization
[pega:propertyparser] scan.applicationName=PegaRULES
[pega:propertyparser] scan.applicationVersion=
[pega:propertyparser] scan.lib.external.jars=
[pega:propertyparser] scan.result.file=E:/Results.csv
[pega:propertyparser] scan.ruletypes.file=E:/RuleTypes.txt
[pega:propertyparser] manage.hotfix=
[pega:propertyparser] syntax.rules.excludeCore=false
[pega:propertyparser] syntax.rules.allVersions=true
[pega:hasenoughspace] Found 7121816KB of free space on '/tmp'
[mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/load
[mkdir] Created dir: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/pr_temp
[echo] Using /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18 for install scratch space...
[unzip] Expanding: /wasdumps/Pega_software/archives/prweb.war into /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/load
[unzip] Expanding: /wasdumps/Pega_software/archives/ into /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/load
[copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/load/lib
[copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/load/WEB-INF/classes
[copy] Copying 1 file to /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18
Checking Configuration Files:
[echo] select max(s.pySystemName) from PEGA_DATA.pr_data_admin s inner join PEGA_DATA.pr_data_admin r on s.pySystemName = r.pySystemName where s.pxobjclass = 'Data-Admin-System' and r.pxObjClass = 'Data-Admin-Requestor'
Processing Configuration Files:
[propertyfile] Creating new property file: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/
[propertyfile] Updating property file: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/udb.conf
[echo] Database Type: udb
[echo] JDBC Driver JAR: /home/db2cae01/sqllib/java/db2jcc.jar
[echo] Bootstrap Config: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/
[echo] PegaRULES Config: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/prconfig.xml
[echo] PegaRULES Logging Config: /tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/prlogging.xml
[echo] about to Import from : /wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/SampleCodeMigFile.jar archive ...
[echo] arg line : -y -c "100" load -j "Customer" -k "06-01-01" -M -U "N767480" -P "Green123"
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:23 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource
[java] 19830421: Loading bootstrap properties from file:////tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:23 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI
[java] 19830421: Could not find java:comp/env/prbootstrap/ in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:23 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI
[java] 19830421: Could not find prbootstrap in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:23 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrapDataSource
[java] 19830421: Bootstrap datatables schema: PEGA_DATA
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] 19830421: Engine schema defined in allclasses: null
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI
[java] 19830421: Could not find java:comp/env/prconfig/ in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.SettingReaderJNDI
[java] 19830421: Could not find prconfig in the local JNDI context, skipping prconfig setting lookup
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] 19830421: Engine classes schema: null
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] 19830421: Assembled classes schema: null
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] 19830421: merged with prbootstrap entries in Data-Admin-System-Settings
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRMiniLoader
[java] 19830421: Will load phase 2 bootstrap from Pega-EngineCode:07-10-15
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRMiniLoader
[java] 19830421: PRMiniLoader - unable to load classes from the database: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=PEGA_DATA.PR_ENGINECLASSES, DRIVER=3.69.24
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] 19830421:
[java] ============ PegaRULES Bootstrap Configuration ============
[java] Date: Mon Jul 06 17:28:24 EDT 2015
[java] Java Version: IBM Corporation 1.6.0
[java] Configuration: file:////tmp/PegaInstallTemp-06-July-2015-17.28.18/
[java] Pega-EngineCode: 07-10-15
[java] Database: DB2/AIX64 SQL10055
[java] Driver: IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ 3.69.24
[java] Unable to use given database configuration
[java] Unable to locate classes on filesystem
[java] =============== End Bootstrap Configuration ===============
[java] Unable to load phase 2 bootstrap class: com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.phase2.PRBootstrapImpl
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap
[java] SEVERE: Error initializing PRAppLoader
[java] Throwable occurred: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.phase2.PRBootstrapImpl
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRMiniLoader.loadClass(
[java] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.loadPhase2BootstrapClass(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.checkForStartup(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethod(
[java] at
[java] Jul 6, 2015 5:28:24 PM com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega
[java] SEVERE: Problem during method invocation (main)
[java] Throwable occurred: java.lang.RuntimeException: PRAppLoader was not properly initialized, unable to load class com.pega.pegarules.deploy.external.util.ImportUtility
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getImplementationOf(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getEntry(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getMethod(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethod(
[java] at
[java] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Problem during method invocation (main)
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethod(
[java] at
[java] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: PRAppLoader was not properly initialized, unable to load class com.pega.pegarules.deploy.external.util.ImportUtility
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getImplementationOf(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getEntry(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.getMethod(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.internal.bootstrap.PRBootstrap.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethodPropagatingThrowable(
[java] at com.pega.pegarules.boot.internal.extbridge.AppServerBridgeToPega.invokeMethod(
[java] ... 1 more
/wasdumps/Pega_software/scripts/utils/prpcUtils.xml:598: Java returned: 1
Total time: 7 seconds
Ant Process returned a non 0 value
I could not really understand how to fix this, so will need further help. I can confirm that the DB settings are fine, those are taken right from the setupDatabase.propertes file present in the scripts folder.
explore the scripts folder of PRPC media.
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
At somepoint in the 6.x series prpcUtils was enhanced so that you just need to use the parameter import and the tool figures out what kind of archive it is for you.
In your file it looks like your database connection is not populated correctly. This is what you have set.
pega.user.username=N767480 is not populated
If this is a split schema then both and need to be populated correctly. For a import operation you do not need a Pega operator so pega.user.username does not need to be populated. The pega.jdbc.username should be the database user that has all of the privileges needed to start the engine. Basically this should be the same database user (or equivalent) to what is used in the datasource in your app server to start the regular system.
It looks like some params changed names. I see this in my prpcutils.bat file for 6.3sp1:
if "%PEGA_TOOL%"=="importPegaArchive" goto :importMessage
if "%PEGA_TOOL%"=="importCodeArchive" goto :importMessage
if "%PEGA_TOOL%"=="importAppBundle" goto :importMessage
. . .
rem If the tool is one of the old import methods, inform the user
rem that they should use 'import'
echo ** The mode "%PEGA_TOOL%" has been replaced by the mode "import".
echo ** Continuing using "import" mode...
set "PEGA_TOOL=import"
goto :pegaToolOK
Updated: 7 Jul 2015 9:20 EDT
Pegasystems Inc.
[java] 19830421: PRMiniLoader - unable to load classes from the database: DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=PEGA_DATA.PR_ENGINECLASSES, DRIVER=3.69.24
Check your database configuration set in as the embedded engine is not able to access the PR_ENGINECLASSES table using that configuration.
Hi Bernard,
I used exactly the same configuration as mentioned over there in the setupDatabase.propertes file, so it shouldn't be the wrong one I guess.
Pegasystems Inc.
Please look at the properties that I asked about previously. It is connecting to the DB but it cannot find the pr_engineclasses table in the PEGA_DATA schema. By the name that would seem to be the data schema and not the rules schema where the pr_engineclasses table is located.
It works now, thanks for pointing me to the correct direction. I was mistaking between rule and data schema. However, there is one problem still present though. I want to parameterize the zip file name, not able to do that though and I am hardcoding stuff at this point of time. I am still exploring options, but still thought if I can get some help.
Pegasystems Inc.
Parameterization of your scripts depends on your scripting environment.
If you are just using ant (and not calling ant from another environment) you can force a parameter value using the Java -D parameter:
ant import -Dimport.archive.path=/pega/myArchive.jar
You can also create another ant script that calls the import target in the prpcUtils.xml build. When you do that you can create your own property files to manage parameterization.
Pegasystems Inc.
There is already an option to externalize the archive path available with the prpcUtils script. If you look at the usage there is a archivePath parameter that can be used instead of filling in the propety within the properties file.
usage() {
echo " export | exportRAP | import | expose | runagent | resave | runUpdateWizard | scanInvalidRules | manageHotfixes | javaSyntaxUpgrade | indexing | help [options...]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " --driverClass Your JDBC driver class (example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver)"
echo " --driverJAR Location of your JDBC JAR file"
echo " --dbType Database vendor type (\"mssql\" for SQL Server, \"udb\" for DB/2 UDB, \"oracledate\" for Oracle)"
echo " --dbURL JDBC URL to db to be loaded"
echo " --dbUser Database username"
echo " --dbPassword Database password"
echo " --udbSchema Sets the schema for UDB"
echo " --archivePath Full path to the archive to be imported or exported"
echo " --hfixAction If manageHotfixes is selected, sets the hotfix operation. Valid values are commit, rollback, generateDDL, install, and scan."
echo " --U PRPC User Name (Optional. But if provided, will be used only by exportRAP, resave, expose)"
echo " --P PRPC User Password (Optional. But if provided, will be used only by exportRAP, resave, expose)"
There is already an option to externalize the archive path available with the prpcUtils script. If you look at the usage there is a archivePath parameter that can be used instead of filling in the propety within the properties file.
usage() {
echo " export | exportRAP | import | expose | runagent | resave | runUpdateWizard | scanInvalidRules | manageHotfixes | javaSyntaxUpgrade | indexing | help [options...]"
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " --driverClass Your JDBC driver class (example: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver)"
echo " --driverJAR Location of your JDBC JAR file"
echo " --dbType Database vendor type (\"mssql\" for SQL Server, \"udb\" for DB/2 UDB, \"oracledate\" for Oracle)"
echo " --dbURL JDBC URL to db to be loaded"
echo " --dbUser Database username"
echo " --dbPassword Database password"
echo " --udbSchema Sets the schema for UDB"
echo " --archivePath Full path to the archive to be imported or exported"
echo " --hfixAction If manageHotfixes is selected, sets the hotfix operation. Valid values are commit, rollback, generateDDL, install, and scan."
echo " --U PRPC User Name (Optional. But if provided, will be used only by exportRAP, resave, expose)"
echo " --P PRPC User Password (Optional. But if provided, will be used only by exportRAP, resave, expose)"
echo " --accessGroup AccessGroup in which the Rule-Declare-Index of the classes being exposed exists.(applicable for expose utility if --U or --P are not provided)"
echo " --noFailOnError Set to true or false. When enabled, instances that fail to import are skipped and import continues instead of failing"
echo "All \"--\" options are optional and will override options in the properties file"
exit 1
It works, thanks to you.